How to Master a Campus Tour
What to Do Before, During, and After a Visit
Get the Conquering Campus Visits eBook
Make campus tours a part of your plan.
As you begin to narrow down your college choices, make it a priority to go on campus visits. Your college experience is about more than what happens in the classroom, which is why you should get a really good feel for the place.
Learn about what to do before, during, and after your campus tour to get the most you can out of the experience!
Choose the best time to visit. Scheduling a campus tour can be tricky, especially if you have to plan around school, extracurricular activities, and work schedules. (Tip: it’s best to visit a campus when school is in session so you can get a true understanding of the daily energy and atmosphere.)
Decide what kind of tour you want to go on. Do you want to go on a special visit arranged for a large group of students from your high school? (These are often planned by the school or a community group.) Or, do you prefer scheduling a one-on-one tour? Maybe you want to tour the college in a small group? To learn more about the tour options offered and reserve your spot, visit the college’s website.
Do your research. Review the school’s website, follow the college on social media, and talk to friends and family members who attend the school. Keep a running list of notes, questions, and concerns. Before you go, turn your notes into a ranked list of questions you want answered. Download and the Conquering Campus Visits eBook to use as a guide!

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