ACT College and Career Readiness Solutions for K-12 Professionals
Back to School!
ACT knows you’re giving all you can to your students, an education that’s all about equity in learning. We want to support student success by giving every student an equal opportunity to fully understand what they need for future success. Use these resources to help jump-start their journey to making their goals a reality.
As you prepare to go back to school, take advantage of these FREE events and resources to do just that!
College and Career Readiness
Join us for the 2024 ACT College and Career Readiness Workshops—our annual, free professional development events for K-12 educators.
K-12 Toolkits
Explore our range of toolkits and empower your students for success.
Resources for Counselors
Access materials with information to help students register for the National ACT test, learn about test prep options, and much more!
Did you know that your school or district can offer an official administration of the ACT test during a school day?

Learn more about how ACT District Testing drives equity and increases access for ALL students!
PreACT Assessments
Offers 8th-10th graders the opportunity to practice for the ACT® test with a shortened version of the test and provides scores aligned to the ACT score scale.
The ACT in School
The leading US admissions test, measuring what students learn in high school to determine academic readiness for college.
The ACT on Saturday
The leading US admissions test, measuring what students learn in high school to determine academic readiness for college.
ACT Online Prep
Helps students prepare for the ACT test, featuring real questions from previous tests.
ACT WorkKeys
Comprehensive program that aligns, builds and certifies the skills needed for workplace success.
Mosaic by ACT Social Emotional Learning
A comprehensive SEL program with everything educators need to develop skills that underpin academic success.
Services for Schools and Districts
ACT Instructional Mastery
Provide your educators with formalized training in a holistic understanding of the ACT test.
ACT Training and Professional Learning
Offers a variety of delivery modes that enable participants to choose training methods and timeframes that meet their needs.
Credentialing Advisory Services
Provides strategies to ensure that the Workforce programs you develop will help achieve your goals.
Get the Administrator Newsletter!
Stay in the loop by signing up for our monthly newsletter, packed with information about the ACT test, ACT learning solutions, upcoming deadlines and events, professional development opportunities, new research, and insights from industry experts.
Meanwhile, browse our library of resources for:
Have questions? Call 319-337-1270, or contact us.