ACT Ready for Work
Special Episode
2019 ACT Workforce Summit Preview
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This is a short, bonus episode of Ready for Work providing a quick overview of the upcoming ACT Workforce Summit, October 28-30 in Charlotte, North Carolina. You'll hear from some of our scheduled presenters with a preview of their sessions at the summit. as well as attendees from last year’s summit.
“We gain by recruiting locally, putting the right people in the right jobs, using WorkKeys as an aptitude test. It’s really a win-win all the way around."
- Trudy Maszlauer
NV Energy
Las Vegas, Nevada
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Jasen Jones Twitter: @JasenCJones
ACT Twitter: @act
Neil Reddy
Episode Guests
- Neil Reddy, Manufacturing Skills Standards Council
- Sherrel Dorsey, BLK TECH CLT
- John Wensveen, Miami-Dade College
- Jeff McCord, Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
- Andy Hepburn, GPS Education Partners
- Rohina Behrmann, Full Employment Council of Kansas
- Denny Smith, Calhoun Community College
- Troy Roland, Missouri Job Centers of Joplin and Monett
- Chris Manheim, Manheim Solutions