K-12 College Readiness Resources

Get the eBook for Educators: Guide to College and Career Readiness Planning

This guide will help you inform students and their supporters, from kindergarten to graduation, how to pave a path to their future successs.

2024 College and Career Readiness Workshops

Join us for the 2024 ACT College and Career Readiness Workshops—our annual, free professional development events for K-12 educators. Connect in person with ACT subject matter experts and peers to discuss what’s working in K-12 education. 

Webinar: Creating a College and Career Readiness Day

Join ACT experts and guest speakers to discover what a College and Career Readiness Day is and how to have a successful event at your school. 

Join us for a live webinar in January 2024 to hear why and how to plan a robust day designed to promote a college-and career-ready culture. 

Get the ACT Comprehensive Solutions Guide

The ACT Comprehensive Solutions Guide is a resource with tools and solutions you can use all year, including ways to connect and communicate with students and their supporters on how to best navigate their readiness journeys. This guide helps you get the most from our connected solutions and learn more about new features or enhancements to support your students.

ACT District Testing College and Career Readiness Day (CCR Day)

Dr. Ryan Luhning discusses ACT District Testing College and Career Readiness Day (CCR Day).

CCR State Standards Alignment College Predictor

Dr. Ryan Luhning discusses how College and Career Readiness Standards align to predictions of college success.


ACT District Testing and Student Potential

Gary Campanelli discusses how ACT District Testing helps uncover student potential and drive postsecondary success.

ACT District Testing and 1st Year College Success

Dr. Ryan Luhning discusses ACT District Testing and 1st-year college success.


Dual Enrollment Programs

High school graduates who enter college with credits from dual enrollment are more likely to succeed in college according to the latest research from ACT.

Two Factors Related to Degree Completion

Maximize the positive, long-term benefits of students by using multiple measures for predicting their chances of college success.

The Art of Declaring a Major

Sticking to an intended major is more consistent when that area of study aligns to a student’s measured interest and expressed certainty at the time of ACT registration.

“X Factors” for College Readiness

How student and school characteristics can affect college preparedness.

My Journey: Connections

A free virtual event for high school students and their champions.

Access the sessions on demand and gain valuable insights from recent graduates and college experts on topics like admissions, paying for college, preparing for the ACT and much more!

Help Your Students Prepare for the ACT Test

As your students get ready to take the ACT® test, you want them to do their best. You can help your students prepare with ACT® Online Prep—an engaging, interactive test prep program developed by the makers of the ACT using the same research and expertise that has made the ACT the most widely used college entrance exam in the nation.

ACT Online Prep (AOP) Overview

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Stay in the loop by signing up for our monthly newsletter, packed with information about the ACT test, ACT learning solutions, upcoming deadlines and events, professional development opportunities, new research, and insights from industry experts.

Meanwhile, browse our library of resources for: