PreACT Secure School and District Testing
PreACT Secure: Spring Administration
Tips for Success
- Use the training content in ACT Now to access test administration resources and walk-through test administration preparation activities.
- Dates and deadlines for your test administration are found in the Important Dates section of this website.
- Watch for emails from ACT with important reminders. Add our email address to your contacts to prevent emails from going to spam/junk folders. Exempt list email addresses from and
Learn about ACT Now
- Overview (video)
- Accessing In-App Resources (video)
- Glossary of Terms (pdf)
- User Role Matrix (pdf)
- Comparison of Administration Platforms (coming soon)
- ACT Now FAQ (web content) (coming soon)
Set Up ACT Now
Invite or Manage Organizations in ACT Now:
- Setting up Your Contract Quick Start Guide (pdf)
- Tip for success: The Local Organization Code is the Unique ID for the organization, usually issued by a state or district. If you do not have a local org code, you may use your ACT Org code in this field or another unique identifier for your school.
- Adding Organizations to an Administration (video)
- Adding Organization (video)
- Confirm Organization Participation Status (video)
- Adding Students and Assigning a Test Event (video)
- Organizational Master File Layout (pdf)
- Organizations Master File Template (csv)
- Inviting Organizations to an Administrations Layout (pdf)
- Invite Organizations File Template (csv)
Add Users with Roles to ACT Now:
- Adding Users with Roles (video)
- Creating a User Account (video)
- Users File - Layout (pdf)
- Users File Template (csv)
Manage Your Students:
- Quick Start Guide to Managing Students in ACT Now (coming soon)
- Students File - Layout (pdf)
- Student Registrations File Template (csv)
Manage Accommodations
Understand Accommodations:
Assign Accommodations:
- Quick Start Guide - Assigning Accommodations and Supports (pdf)
- PreACT - Pre-Event Uploading and Assigning Student Accommodations (video)
- Accommodations Students File - Layout (pdf) (coming soon)
- Accommodations Students File Template (csv)
Prepare Students for Testing with Accommodations:
- Alternate Format Practice Tests Order Form (pdf)
- Taking Assessments Online with a Screen Reader (pdf)
- Pre-Recorded Audio Guidelines (pdf)
- Video American Sign Language (VASL) User Guide (pdf)
- Authorized Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionaries List (pdf)
- ACT Calculator Policy (pdf)
Prepare for Testing
- Technical Guide for Online Testing (pdf)
- Technical Readiness Checklist for Technical Coordinators (pdf)
- Test Nav Support (website)
- Before Test Day Checklist (pdf)
- Pre-Test PreACT Training (webinar) (coming soon)
- Pre-Test PreACT Training (pdf) (coming soon)
Prepare Students for Testing
- Information for Examinees (
- Instructions for Completing Your Answer document (pdf)
- Taking PreACT Secure (coming soon)
- Preparing for the PreACT Secure Test Taken Online (coming soon)
- PreParing for the PreACT Secure Test (coming soon)
Access ACT Now Policy Modules
Tip: All ACT Polices need to be thoroughly read and agreed to in TCM, accessed through ACT Now. If you are serving as your site's Test Coordinator and Room Supervisor, you only need to agree to the training modules for the Test Coordinator. The information found in the Room Supervisor modules are captured in the Test Coordinator Modules.
Test Coordinator Modules:
- Test Coordinator Module: Policies (web content) (coming soon)
- Test Coordinator Module: Test Facilities (web content) (coming soon)
- Test Coordinator Module: Test Staff (web content) (coming soon)
Room Supervisor Modules:
- Room Supervisor Module: Policies (web content) (coming soon)
- Room Supervisor Module: Test Facilities (web content) (coming soon)
- Room Supervisor Module: Test Staff (web content) (coming soon)
Set Up Test Center Manager (TCM):
- Setting up TCM Test Coordinator (video)
- Setting up TCM Test Coordinator (simulation)
- Using TCM as a Room Supervisor or Proctor (video)
- Using TCM as a Room Supervisor or Proctor (simulation)
- Internet Outage Checklist - Paper Testing with ACT Now and TCM (pdf)
- ACT Now Backup Instructions for Paper Testing - Standard (pdf) (coming soon)
- ACT Now Backup Instructions for Paper Testing - Accommodations (pdf) (coming soon)
- Using Test Center Manager (TCM web page, login) (coming soon)
Administer Test
- Pre-Test Secure - Test Day Admininstration Training (webinar) (coming soon)
Administer Test with Accommodations
- PreACT Secure Translated Directions (pdf) (coming soon)
- Reader Agreement (pdf)
- Sign Language Interpreter Agreement (pdf)
- Scribe Agreement (pdf)
- Pre-recorded Audio Guidelines (pdf)
- Video ASL Guidelines (pdf)
- Taking Assessments Online with a Screen Reader (pdf)
Tip: If you're looking for resources, manuals, test forms, and other test administration resources, you'll find them in ACT Now and TCM training content. Look for a test day checklist, polices and tutorials, and much more!
Return Test Materials
- Packing Materials for Return in a Box Infographic (coming soon)
Access Online Reporting
Understand Reports
- PreACT Secure Interpretive Guide for Student and Aggregate Reports (pdf) (coming soon)